medical boards

What is a medical board?

The purpose of the medical committee is to determine your medical impairment, and to assess the level of impairment in your ability to work or function in your day-to-day life due to the medical impairment. • The committee bases its decision on the medical documents you submitted, with the doctor on the committee reviewing them before you enter the room. • The medical committee usually consists of one doctor who specializes in the medical field from which you suffer, and a committee secretary whose job it is to write the committee protocol. • If you suffer from several medical deficiencies, in different areas, you may be scheduled to several doctors, depending on the field of expertise required to examine each deficiency. The National Insurance makes efforts to schedule various tests on the same day, however, in some cases, you may have to come for the test several times.

How does the committee work?

Committees for general disability and special services are held at the National Insurance branches, while mobile committees are held at the Ministry of Health. Regarding the committees held by the National Insurance, if it is decided that you must attend the committee, you will be asked to describe the injuries you suffer from, to sign that all your complaints have been recorded in the protocol and that you agree to be examined by the doctor on the committee. The doctor will interview you, give you a physical examination, and in some cases you will be asked to demonstrate the performance of Certain actions After you leave the committee, the doctor will make a decision on your case.

How to prepare for the committee?

  • At the committee you will be given a limited time to describe the injuries you are suffering from, so it is important that you prepare in advance the list of complaints and the relevant details that you want to emphasize to the doctor.
  • If you have current medical documents that you did not attach to your claim, and did not send before the committee, you can submit them to the doctor during the committee. However, there is a priority for these documents to be sent to the National Insurance before the date of the committee, so that the doctor can review them before the committee.
  • Hold a rehearsal at home - use a friend, neighbor or family member to plan in advance what to say, as the committee itself is a stressful situation and you may get confused and not present things correctly. You should also write down on a page all the important points you want to say.
  • Before you sign the form on which your complaints were recorded, read it carefully and make sure that what is written on it is accurate and that we have not forgotten any detail. If a mistake has been made, politely ask for a correction.

Is it worth bringing an escort?

You should come to the committee accompanied by a family member/friend. An accompanied patient is more relaxed and can focus on his "task". An escort will be able to help you remember to say everything you planned in advance to say at the committee. More information can be obtained on the National Insurance Institute website

Is it worth bringing a lawyer?

  • At the first medical committee or in the event of a worsening of your medical condition, it is unnecessary to hire the services of a lawyer or a company to exercise medical rights. If you decide to appeal the committee's determination, you can consult on the National Insurance website or in the centerGuiding Hand", before turning to these external parties.
  • The decision to use a lawyer or a company to exercise rights has a very significant economic meaning - part of the allowance to which you will be entitled will be transferred to them as a fee.

Can the committee's results be appealed?

Of course you can. there is possibility of appeal on the decision of the committee to the appeals committee. Moreover, the results of the appeals committee can also be challenged before the court. In case of an appeal to the court, it is possible to get help at the Legal Aid Bureau Free of charge or for a nominal fee. Therefore, carefully consider the need for paid external advice.

What can be appealed?

  1. The medical percentages set for you
  2. The rate of the disability allowance or special services allowance
  3. Eligibility period

How long does the process take?

The process of handling claims for general disability and special services is within the framework of a "green route", which receives priority in handling the procedures and speeds up the decision regarding the amount of disability in many days.

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