Parkinson's Association in Israel

The purpose of the Parkinson's Association in Israel is to serve as an address for Parkinson's patients and their families. The patients can use the association to ease the burden associated with living with the disease and improve the quality of their lives and the lives of those close to them.

The association was founded in 1993 by a group of patients and their families from the Haifa and Kiryat area and currently has about 25 branches throughout the country. The association operates not for profit, regardless of race, sex, religion, or political opinions, and is managed by patients who are members of the association, family members and friends. The office bearers and activists in the association perform their duties voluntarily and do not receive a salary. Alongside the association's management, there is a medical advisory committee, consisting of the top neurologists in Israel who specialize in Parkinson's disease.

The activities of the association and its volunteers have been recognized and appreciated in many state frameworks, including the president's medal for a volunteer, the shield of the Ministry of Labor for a volunteer, the minister of health's medal for outstanding volunteers, the mayor of Jerusalem's medal for outstanding volunteers, and more.

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The association's vision

Forming a large community of Parkinson's sufferers, family members, doctors and the health professions - to build an embracing and strengthening community. This is through increasing awareness of achieving a quality of life alongside the disease and providing tools to deal with the challenges of the disease, while taking personal responsibility for managing the disease, investing in continuous physical activity, mental support and social gatherings.

Goals and topics to focus on:

  • Strengthening the trust of the contestants - the contestant at the center of the association's action
  • One address - the association is a central address for supporting the contestant and family members through new knowledge and information, mental support, community and physical activity.
  • Help with answers - answers to all health and welfare needs.
  • A sense of security - creating tools to strengthen the social well-being of the contestants.
  • Caring - concern for the contestant's rights, assistance and guidance in their realization.
  • Technology, innovation and encouraging research - to promote solutions to Parkinson's challenges.
  • Belonging - promoting community and allowing contestants and family members to be part of a supportive and strengthening community
  • Acceptance - increasing public awareness of the needs of the contestant community.

The goals of the association can also be summarized as four main factors:

Expanding medical services in Israel in the field of Parkinson's and investing in their inclusion in the health basket, all this with the aim of improving the quality of life and strengthening the social well-being of those facing Parkinson's.

expansion Parkinson's communities - Veterans, communities for young contestants and communities active in a variety of physical activities such as table tennis, dancing, swimming and hydrotherapy, rehabilitation centers, boxing, running and walking and assistance in exercising rights. 

Expanding mental support services and providing tools to deal with the challenges of Parkinson's - accompanying a new challenger, support workshops and seminars.

Expanding the rehabilitation system through a wide variety of subsidized physical activities by the association to the members of the association. 

Association services

The association provides a variety of services to its members, including line hot which provides telephone support, help, initial consultation and referral to a care provider, Support workshops For contestants and spouses, a variety social activities in the association's branches Sports activities scattered throughout the country- Parquet and online webinar lecturesן, subsidizing rehabilitation treatments through the benefits club for physical activity in cooperation with rehabilitation centers in Israel, Seminars, seminars and conferences, extensive information on coping with Parkinson's, treatments and exhaustion of rights Web site library Lectures recorded in a wide variety of fields related to Parkinson's - YouTube of the association, Articles and publication of studies And more. 

Click for more information about the association's activities

Officials in the association, certificates and documents

Parallel organizations in the world

In different countries of the world there are parallel organizations that work for Parkinson's contenders.

Enter the list of organizations and visit their websites