The association in the media 2017
A compilation of publications that appeared following the discussion of the Parkinson's lobby in the Knesset
Yad Naman - Medical Section 051217
Lobby discussion in the Knesset - concentration of publications
Tzipi Meller, the wife of a man with Parkinson's disease – there is almost no access to medical services in the periphery, here in | You deserve it
Amir Carmon, chairman of the Parkinson's Association in Israel, in an interview on South Ashdod Radio
Parkinson's patients in the periphery: "4 hours drive each way - just for treatment"
The article was also published on the Doctors Only website, 28-11-2017
A meeting of the Parkinson's Association at the Beer Sheva branch
Parkinson's Awareness Day 2017, publication concentration
Art gives me the strength and passion for life
The Parkinson's patient who wants to break the bond of silence among the young patients
Parkinson and the future for patients, on the occasion of awareness day
The research on the disease, added 7 days in the news