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The complete guide to patient rights

You have rights!

Your initial right is to know what your rights are... due to the complexity of the issue and due to the differences between one person and another, this information should not be considered qualified advice. Despite considerable efforts on its part, the association is not responsible for the accuracy of all the details provided in this section. Also, there is no promise of obtaining any rights in this section.

How to begin?

The rights and benefits section is designed to help those with Parkinson's navigate the tangle of information and bureaucracy.
We strongly recommend that you thoroughly study the issue before contacting the authorities.

It is recommended to start from:

  1. Get in touch with "Yad Miorita" - consultation and preparation for medical committees of the National Insurance - to schedule an appointment *2496.
  2. Check your rights according to your medical condition in the "National Rights Engine".
  3. Read the blog of Adv. Rafael Almog.
  4. Visit the website of the Association for Patient Rights in Israel.
  5. The veteran civil rights hotline Tel: *8840.
  6. Every right - to a comprehensive database for exercising rights...
  7. You should carefully read the guide above, which contains links to expand information - and links to forms to submit to National Insurance.

Guide "Know Your Rights"

Social Security

Parkinson's patients are granted many rights by the National Insurance, among them:

  1. disability from work
  2. Mobility allowance
  3. Special services for the disabled
  4. disability rules
  5. Professional rehabilitation, and more.

In general, the more advanced the disease and the more limited the patient, the greater the rights to which he is entitled, so that there is no automatic entitlement immediately upon diagnosis of the disease. Check which branch of social security you belong to - only there you will get treatment. Check what the reception hours are sometimes. For mobility, and general disability - there are different reception hours, all the information appears on the National Insurance website.

Click here for a guide for a Parkinson's patient in preparation for a medical committee at the National Insurance...

Those dealing with Parkinson's will sooner or later reach a medical committee at the National Insurance, to determine their percentage of medical disability. Determining the percentages of medical disability is the basis for determining eligibility for general disability allowance and special services allowance. These percentages are also used for benefits from other government bodies, such as exemption from income tax and more.

The following is important information on the exercise of the rights of Parkinson's patients vis-à-vis the National Insurance, by engineer Danny Marko, a member of the association, this article summarizes years of in-depth study by the author of the article, and relies on the written law and the accumulated experience of the author of the article and other members.

Please note: periodically it is advisable to update the amounts on the National Insurance website - click here

The patient's rights from the National Insurance

This article deals with three topics:

  1. General disability allowance and special services - Sharam
  2. Exemption from income tax
  3. Dealing with the National Insurance and insurance companies.

Rights of Parkinson's patients in Israel: the guide that will sort you out

Parkinson's disease is a severe chronic disease that usually affects people 40 years old and later, and its prevalence increases with age. Those affected by the disease suffer from gradual degeneration of the nervous system, and as a result, their ability to move and their physical, mental and mental functioning deteriorate over time. Unfortunately, at some point, Parkinson's patients may lose their ability to function independently.

In view of the many difficulties faced by Parkinson's patients and their relatives, these patients are entitled to a number of benefits from the state. Also, they may be entitled to insurance benefits, including long-term care insurance from private insurance companies.

Through the current overview, you will be able to make a preliminary acquaintance with the main rights of Parkinson's patients in Israel. For more detailed information, it is recommended to download the professional rights guide for Parkinson's patients compiled by the lawyer Raphael Almog, voluntarily, with the aim of helping Parkinson's patients and their families.

General disability allowance

The National Insurance Institute grants a monthly general disability allowance to those who have reached the age of 18 and up to retirement age (women-62, men-67) and have lost their earning capacity as a result of physical or mental health impairment.

A condition for receiving entitlement to an allowance is that the income from work of the applicant for the allowance does not exceed 60% of the average monthly salary in the economy (6.331 NIS gross, as of January 2021).

If the income is lower than this amount, and the ability to work is impaired due to the impairment, it is advisable to file a claim for general disability.

The path of a Parkinson's contender to the eligibility for a general disability pension depends on the existence of two tracks:

  1. Route for determining the degree of medical disability of the insured
  2. Route for determining the degree of the insured's inability to earn a living

In the first step, medical percentages will be determined, and according to the medical percentages that will be determined, the effect of the impairment on the ability to work will be examined. The amount of the allowance is determined according to the effect of the impairment on the applicant's ability to go out and earn a living or to function in the household.

Eligibility for disability allowance can be in the following rates (as of January 2021):

  • Eligibility at the rate of 60% - an amount of NIS 1,908
  • Eligibility at the rate of 65% - an amount of NIS 2,027
  • Eligibility at the rate of 74% - an amount of NIS 2,242
  • Eligibility at the rate of 100% - an amount of NIS 3,321

In addition, a supplement is paid for spouses and children according to income tests.

Parkinson's patients are also entitled to a general disability allowance, as long as they meet a number of cumulative general conditions. First, the pension applicant will have to prove to the National Insurance that he suffers from a medical disability of at least 60%, or alternatively that he has been determined to have a medical disability of at least 40%, but for one or more of his medical deficiencies a disability of 25% or more has been determined.

Later, the patient will be required to prove that he has lost 50% or more of his earning capacity. In addition to that, we remind you that eligibility for an allowance depends on the level of income.

In order to receive the disability pension, a claim must be submitted to the National Insurance and later be examined by a medical committee on behalf of the institution. Establishing eligibility for a pension is not a simple procedure, and unfortunately, there are Parkinson's patients who find it difficult to qualify for a pension, despite their difficult condition.

Mobility allowance

A mobility benefit is granted to those whose mobility is impaired and originates from a mobility agreement signed many years ago between the Ministry of Finance and National Insurance. Parkinson's patients who have suffered significant damage to their lower limbs will be entitled to this benefit.

The mobility allowance does not replace the general disability allowance and eligibility for this allowance does not depend on eligibility for a disability allowance (unlike the special services allowance, which may affect the mobility allowance).

Eligibility conditions:

  1. The medical committee determined at least 40% disability in mobility, if the applicant has a valid driver's license, or 60% disability in mobility - if the applicant does not have a valid driver's license and the applicant has a driving license.
  2. There is a vehicle in the possession and ownership of the applicant ("owned" - even if the vehicle is registered in the name of the applicant's spouse and/or guardian)

Mobility allowance amounts
(The amount of allowances is correct for January 2021)

  1. Mobility allowance for a car owner: ranges from NIS 342 to NIS 8,128. The amount is determined according to the percentage of disability, the determining vehicle, the accessories, the amount of your income and the distance from your home to your place of work.
  2. Car-free allowance: The amount of the allowance is NIS 2,364.

The benefits of mobility:

  1. A standing loan for the purchase of a vehicle A standing loan is given to a person with limited mobility who purchases a new vehicle, for the purpose of fully or partially financing the taxes applicable to the vehicle that determines it - a private vehicle, a commercial vehicle, or a vehicle for special accessories, the vehicle is determined in accordance with the provisions of the mobility agreement or according to the decision of the medical institute for road safety. *For more information about a standing loan, you can read on the National Insurance website
  2. A loan from a loan fund for the severely disabled In addition to a standing loan to finance the taxes, the severely disabled may be entitled to a loan from a loan fund designed to finance the price of the vehicle in addition to the taxes. For more information about the loan fund, you can read on the National Insurance website.
  3. Car accessories (in addition to car purchase loans) you can get:
    • Reimbursement of expenses for accessories in a private vehicle (only for those with a driver's license).
    • Loan for the purchase and installation of a lifting device/robot for storing the wheelchair in the car.
    • Loan for the purchase and installation of car accessories for special accessories.

Special services allowance - Sharm

In some cases, Parkinson's patients will be entitled to a special services benefit for the disabled from the National Insurance, designed to help patients finance external treatment services. This benefit is relevant to patients who have reached a nursing condition and need daily help for basic functioning or constant supervision to prevent danger to themselves and others.

The benefit is expressed in a monthly allowance, the amount of which depends on the severity of the contestant's condition. Patients who are completely dependent on another person around the clock may receive an allowance of over NIS 5,000 per month.

Parkinson's patients may receive a special services benefit in addition to a mobility benefit, but only in the case where the patient has been determined to have a mobility disability of 100%, or it is found that he needs a wheelchair or is confined to a bed. In other cases, it will not be possible to receive both benefits at the same time.

To determine whether the patient is entitled to benefits and what the amount will be, the National Insurance Institute examines the patient's degree of dependence on others in order to perform a number of daily activities, including: bathing, eating, dressing and maintaining personal hygiene. It was also checked how much the patient needed help with household care.

However, the National Insurance dependency test is not the only test that must be met. Entitlement to benefits depends, among other things, on the rate of medical disability determined for the patient, on other allowances he receives and on his monthly income. In our rights guide you can read about the full conditions for receiving the benefit.

Sharm allowance rates and amounts

The rate of the allowance derives from the extent of the impairment's impact on the applicant's need for help in day-to-day life. Eligibility for a special services allowance can be in the following rates (as of January 2021):

  • Eligibility at the rate - 50% amount of NIS 1,427
  • Eligibility at the rate - 112% amount of NIS 3,334
  • Eligibility at the rate - 188% amount of NIS 5,341

Addition for a ventilated disabled person - NIS 1,850

A condition for checking eligibility for a special services allowance is that the income from work of the allowance applicant does not exceed 5 times the average salary in the economy (NIS 52,755 gross, as of January 2021).

If the applicant does not receive a disability allowance and his income does not exceed 5 times the average salary, the applicant may be examined for special services if he is determined to be 75% medically disabled.

Exemption from income tax

In some cases, a Parkinson's patient may benefit fromExemption from income tax payments.

In order to qualify for an exemption, the patient is required to show that he suffers from a weighted disability of at least 90%, due to a multitude of diseases, or at a rate of 100% due to only one disease. It is also required to show that the disability is for a period of at least 184 days (six months).

It is important to know, however, that the medical disability test used by the tax authorities for the purpose of granting the tax benefit is not the same as the medical disability test used by the National Insurance in the general disability branch.

Nursing insurance benefits

Parkinson's patients who purchased long-term care insurance from a private insurance company, whether independently or through the workplace or some other organization (group long-term care insurance), may be entitled to long-term care insurance benefits.

The rate of rewards and the eligibility period vary from policy to policy, but generally, the eligibility conditions in the various policies available in the market are similar. The main test for eligibility is the ADL test (or the "activities of daily living" test), which refers to the level of independent functioning of the insured.

The eligibility conditions for payment, according to the insurance supervision conditions, include two alternative routes.

In the first route, an insured will be defined as nursing, if the insured has lost at least 50 percent of his independent functioning capacity in three or more of the six daily activities, which include: 1. Bathing 2. Eating and drinking 3. Getting up and lying down 4. Dressing and undressing 5. Mobility 6. Control of braces .

Another track concerns the "mentally exhausted", that is, those whose cognitive function is impaired as a result of diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and therefore need a significant degree of accompaniment and supervision. Such patients will also be considered nursing for the purpose of receiving the insurance benefits.

Both routes together may be relevant to Parkinson's patients, but insurance companies do not always respond easily to long-term care insurance claims.

Professional advice and support

In the bottom line, Parkinson's patients have a variety of options for receiving assistance that may be expressed in considerable amounts of money every month.

A paid consultant is not always necessary. Sometimes it's a simple procedure that you can do yourself, like filling out a simple form. Experience shows that new patients tend to hire a consultant in the first stages, and later manage on their own. If you still decide to take a paid consultant, you will meet with several consultants and get price quotes from them, ask for names of recommenders and negotiate with the consultants. The price is not low: between 15% and 25% of the money received in most cases, plus 16% VAT.

Questions and answers

As part of the improvement of the service, the National Insurance, in cooperation with the hospitals, operates a first-class service for hospitalized patients: checking eligibility for benefits and general disability allowances, special services, through the hospital, in a friendly and convenient manner, while fully respecting your privacy.

A social worker of the hospital will come to you, have you sign the request for a claim and forward it directly to the National Insurance along with the medical documents for further treatment and to exercise your rights, without the need for any further action on your part.

As a general rule, eligibility for each allowance is checked according to its criteria. At the same time, there are various conditions in the law, which link the allowances as detailed below:

  •  Mobility and special services:

You can receive the 2 allowances at the same time if one of the following conditions is met:

    • 100% mobility disability was determined.
    • 112% SRAM was determined.
    • A medical committee of the health bureau/appeal committee determined that there is use and need for a wheelchair. In all other cases it is not possible to receive both allowances together.


  • The conditions between mobility and disability:

  You can receive both pensions together except in the following two cases:

    • It is not possible to receive "annuity without a rental car" in the case that you receive a general disability pension.
    • It is not possible to receive a mobility allowance for a 2000 cc vehicle (according to the mobility agreement and not according to the decision of the vehicle size committee)


  • Conditions between disability and special services:

You can receive a general disability allowance and a special services allowance at the same time. A person who receives a general disability needs 60% medical disability so that his eligibility for a special services allowance can be checked. A person who does not receive a general disability needs at least 75% medical disability in order to be able to check his eligibility for a special services allowance. Note: It is not possible to receive disability allowances and SRM at the same time for only the first 60 days from the date of entitlement to a disability allowance. In this case, the higher allowance will be paid.

Vocational rehabilitation is intended for a person before retirement age, for whom a medical committee has determined a weighted permanent medical disability of at least 20%. A rehabilitation program may include occupational diagnosis, professional training and job placement (sometimes the program only includes placement). A person who is not suitable for vocational rehabilitation, the possibility of transferring his eligibility for rehabilitation to his spouse will be examined, on the condition that the spouse lives permanently with the disabled person, and is paid an addition to the disabled person's disability allowance, and has not yet reached retirement age.

  • Disability fund (which is paid until retirement age only) Non-work income such as income from an insurance company or early pension payments can only affect the addition of dependents (spouse or child) if the applicant is found eligible according to criteria. It is important to note that non-work income does not negate eligibility for the disability allowance.
  • Special services allowance Non-work income does not affect eligibility for a special services allowance or the amount of allowance to which you may be entitled.
  • Mobility allowance Non-work income does not affect eligibility for a mobility allowance or the amount of allowance to which you may be entitled.
  • Disability fund (Up to retirement age only) A resident of an institution or public body entitled to a disability allowance may continue to receive a disability allowance in the amount of NIS 954 (as of 2021).
  • Special services allowance A disabled person staying in an institution where medical services, nursing services or rehabilitation services are provided, will not be entitled to a special services allowance.
  • Mobility allowance Staying in an institution for more than 90 days is not entitled to a mobility allowance, except for someone with limited mobility who meets all of the following conditions:
    • Over the age of 18 who have been determined to have 100% mobility disability or have been determined to need and use a wheelchair
    • As a result of his hospitalization, he stopped receiving a Sharm allowance or would have been entitled to receive a Sharm had he not been hospitalized
    • leaves the institution at least 6 times a month

Filing a claim for National Insurance

Where can a claim be filed?

The application for a general disability allowance, special services can be submitted both through the website and on Manual form.

To submit using an online form:

General disability allowance | Special service allowance

An application for a mobility allowance must be submitted on the following form:
Application for inspection at the district health office for the purpose of receiving mobility benefits

The claim form must be filled out in all its sections, attach all the required documents and send it to the National Insurance branch in your area of ​​residence or on the website. For your attention, it is possible to request that a medical decision in your case be made without your appointment to a medical committee, if you sign it in the appropriate section (and on the condition that the institution's doctor believed that it is possible to determine eligibility without your appointment to the committee). In any case, it is important that you know that the National Insurance will not reject your claim without a doctor on their behalf examining you in the committee.

You can also join the new service, to receive letters from the National Insurance directly to your email, without waiting to receive mail, by ordering a code through the website and receiving it immediately, in an easy and fast way.
More information can be obtained on the website of the National Insurance Institute

What documents should be attached to the claim?

The claim form must be accompanied by medical documents, work and salary certificates from the workplaces, and any document it contains to prove entitlement to an allowance. The documents can also be submitted through the website and there is no need to go to the branch or need a secret code! for sending the documents

  • Medical documents in your possession, detailing the chronic diseases, hospitalizations, treatments and medications you are taking.
  • 15 recent payslips in a claim for general disability or 6 recent payslips for those who request to be examined for special services only.
  • A self-employed worker will declare to the insurance and collection department at the branch of the National Insurance Institute about the changes in his work and income due to the disability, and will produce the latest assessments in his hand.
  • Medical confidentiality waiver form - personal modesty party and according to the requirements of the health insurance funds, the form must be printed, filled out, signed and attached to the claim form (you can also send it by mail or fax to the National Insurance branch nearest to your place of residence).
  • For the list of documents to request a mobility allowance, go to the National Insurance website.

Do the documents need to be current?

desirable. This does not mean that you have to run to all the relevant doctors the day before the committee. If the documents are less than six months old, they can be sent, unless there has been a change in your situation since the last inspection.

If you suffer from other diseases that are not related to Parkinson's, you must attach current medical documents relevant for each disease separately, already at the time of submitting the claim.

Handicapped parking ticket and license fee exemption

A disabled person is entitled to a parking ticket who is one of the following:

  1. A disabled person who needs a car as a means of transportation because of his disabled legs.
  2. A disabled person whose level of disability reaches at least 60% and his movement on the roads without a car may undermine his health.
  3. A disabled person who is limited in walking and needs a wheelchair for his mobility.

For more information click here…


More guides to read

Rights of Parkinson's patients in Israel: the guide that will put you in order - Adv. Rafael Almog

Disability allowance and tax exemption under certain conditions are only some of the benefits to which Parkinson's patients are entitled. You will find information about this in this review and also in the comprehensive professional guide compiled by attorney Rafael Almog.
Parkinson's disease is a severe chronic disease that usually affects people 40 years old and later, and its prevalence increases with age. Those affected by the disease suffer from gradual degeneration of the nervous system, and as a result, their ability to move and their physical, mental and mental functioning deteriorate over time. Unfortunately, at some point, Parkinson's patients may lose their ability to function independently.

To go to the office website...
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General disability allowance - Adv. Navot

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