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Patient rights

You have rights!

Your first right is to know what your rights are...
Due to the complexity of the subject and due to the differences between individuals, this information should not be considered qualified advice.
Despite considerable efforts on its part, the association is not responsible for the reliability, credibility and accuracy of the details provided in this section. also, This section does not guarantee the receipt of any rights.

How to begin?

The rights and benefits section is designed to help patients navigate the tangle of information and bureaucracy.
We strongly recommend that you thoroughly study the issue before contacting the authorities.

It is recommended to start from:

  1. Get in touch with "Yad Meorita" - consulting and preparation for medical committees of the National Insurance - to schedule an appointment * 2496
  2. Check your rights according to your medical condition in the "National Rights Engine" at the link:
  3. Read the The blog of Adv. Rafael Almog.
  4. The veteran civil rights center Tel: * 8840
  5. every right - For a comprehensive database for exercising rights...


Guide "Know Your Rights"

Social Security

Parkinson's patients are granted many rights by the authorities and the National Insurance, among them:

  • disability from work
  • Exemption from income tax
  • Mobility allowance
  • Special services for the disabled
  • General disability
  • vocational rehabilitation, 
  • Disabled character.
  • Property tax discount

In order to exercise rights according to the health condition of the Parkinson's patient, one must read and study the above laws, rules and recommendations in paragraphs 1-5. 
must be read very carefully Assessment of the rights of Parkinson's contenders  - written by the association in collaboration NII


Below is the summary of the process

An action plan must be prepared according to the expected route:

  1. Learn the rules of the National Insurance, the law and the conditions of the private policy if any.
  2. It is important to make a decision after reading an assessment of the rights of those facing Parkinson's, whether to embark on the ongoing journey to exercise the rights with the assistance of an attorney (or a rights exercise company) or to deal with this process on your own as well.  
  3. Performing medical tests in all areas where there is a health problem and receiving a diagnosis (a professional medical opinion must be obtained from a specialist in any relevant area)
  4. Understanding the method of calculating the percentage of disability
  5. Filing a claim for National Insurance - can be done online
  6. Preparation and participation in medical committees - in all relevant fields (neurology, orthopedics, urology, psychology, internal medicine, otolaryngology, skin surgery, etc.
  7. Accepting the decision of the National Insurance Committees
  8. consent or appeal
  9. Receiving a summary decision of the National Insurance for the final weighted disability percentage
  10. consent or appeal
