Anticholinergics family

Generic name: Biperiden

Commercial name: dekinet   

  • These drugs were mainly used before levodopa was introduced -
  • They may help control tremors, slowness and stiffness but their usefulness is limited due to the side effects.
  • The mechanism of action is through the blocking of acetylcholine whose effects increase when the dopamine level drops.
  • Only about half of the patients receiving anticholinergics respond to them, usually for a short period and with only a 30% effect.


Side Effects

Trembling and involuntary movements 
dry mouth
Accelerated heartbeats
Constipation, retention/retention of urine
memory loss
blurred vision
Changes in mental activity and confusion.

Therefore, great caution is needed at the older age and at higher doses.

Click here to review the circular of the Ministry of Health from the website "All Health" 2 mg Dekinet

Click here to review the Ministry of Health's circular from the "All Health" website 5 mg Dekinet