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Support and accompaniment project for new Parkinson's contenders

You left a meeting with the doctor during which you were told: "You have Parkinson's"!

Many feelings and thoughts overwhelm you, many question marks... what do we do now?  

It is important for us to know that you are not alone!

The Parkinson's Association in Israel offers support and personal guidance to new contestants (usually up to two years from the discovery of the disease).

What is the purpose of the escort?

The accompaniment allows you to meet active veterans who lead a full and rich lifestyle alongside the disease.

The accompanying colleagues are an address for your questions, will give you relevant information and knowledge and will buy you a basket of tools for self-management of the disease. This is in order to reduce uncertainty and allow you to formulate an appropriate lifestyle.

*The process does not replace psychological treatment or the support of a lawyer.

How is it done?

A series of personal meetings to be held via zoom/telephone combined with face-to-face meetings if possible and necessary.

The number of meetings, their length and frequency will be determined by the new contestant and the accompanying colleague as needed. The accompaniment will be at your disposal for three months and an extension will be possible as needed.

Why should you?

Contestants who took part in the process testify that:

  • "The escort encouraged me a lot and helped me a lot with relevant information and knowledge"
  • "I received significant tools that helped me create an active and varied lifestyle"
  • "The companion helped me accept the disease and learn to live with it"
  • "I had an address for every question, I felt that they understood me and wanted to help me"
  • "I learned to ask and receive help"
  • "I realized that there is life alongside Parkinson's"

Come and get to know our team of accompanying colleagues

Members of our accompanying team (please click HERE to get to know them) are seasoned Parkinson's contenders, trained for this role and supported, on an ongoing basis, by a professional team. The team is at your disposal and its members will be happy to provide you with their knowledge and personal experience.

Interested in meeting with a fellow escort?

Click the button to go to the questionnaire. After filling out the questionnaire, a representative on our behalf will contact you as soon as possible to continue the process.