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A self-management kit

On the evening of the launch of an assessment for self-management in Parkinson's disease, we heard about the management of the disease from different aspects with the lecture of:
Prof. Sharon Hasin who dealt with "Management of Parkinson's disease - advice for the patient"
Noam Eliezer - a strategic consultant and mentor who explained "how to advance to the position of CEO of Mahleha".
We have prepared for you the summary of the principles of management in each of the lectures:

Principles of self-management of the disease

Prof. Sharon Hasin
Director of the Institute for Movement Disorders, Sheba Integrated Medical Center, Tel Hashomer

א. Neurological follow-up is arranged

  • A neurologist specializing in movement disorders
  • The contestant must be sensitive to the symptoms of the disease and the medication and report to the doctor
  • Medicines - To reduce tremors, improve memory, release stiffness from longevity, improve quality of life

When taking medication it is important to observe:

    • Dosage:
    • regular hours
    • proper nutrition

B. Maintaining general health

ג. Regular exercise program

D. Help with subjects

Physiotherapy, nursing, occupational therapy, rehabilitation psychology, sexology.

ה. Daily plan for varied activities - setting goals and objectives to achieve

  • Daily activity plan
  • Varied physical activity
  • Cognitive activity - learning something, developing hobbies
  • Cultivating and maintaining relationships with your spouse and family members
  • social gatherings
  • Volunteering - participation in volunteering activities at the Parkinson's Association in Israel
  • Consider participating in a clinical study/clinical trial
  • participate in new treatments
  • To help the medical research - a maximum of placebo treatment was received

and. me and my family

  • Personal example - take responsibility, independence
  • Be proactive and active

Prof. Sharon Hasin

to be the CEO of the disease - Noam Eliezer
Strategic consultant and mentor

leading questions:

  • How do you move forward when you actually don't want the disease to progress?
  • What do strategy and Parkinson's have in common?
  • What are the tools I work with?
  • What is the story of managing Parkinson's?


  • To look at the rest of my life and the prosperity that awaits me in which I can move on!
  • accept the new reality
  • get the support
  • Get the task force
  • Get all the information
  • Get support and guidance - doctors, therapists
  • to receive the appointment of the CEO


Management = control
Management = ability
Management = motivation
Management = quality of life - the most important thing to achieve

So... how to accept and manage?

1-Assessment for self-management of the disease - use information and tools to make decisions.


  • Reception and management
  • Team selection
  • Building goals
  • progress
  • Setting indicators to check progress

3-Questions for testing

  • Am I feeling well and active with the current medication?
  • Is a daily routine happy?
  • Am I active and proactive?

If the answer to the question is not satisfactory, move again to the position of the CEO, the manager and think about how you can act to improve the quality of life.

Noam Eliezer

Click on the image to view the workshop presentation "How to become your own CEO"...

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Click on the image to view and print the booklet self-management of the disease...