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Special services allowance - National Insurance

The National Insurance Institute provides Special services allowance monthly for those who have turned 18 and up to retirement age (Women-62, men-67) In some cases, a Parkinson's patient will be entitled to a special services benefit if he needs the help of others for basic day-to-day functioning or for constant supervision to prevent danger to himself and others in day-to-day activities. The allowance is intended to help patients finance external treatment services.

Parkinson's patients may receive a special services benefit in addition to a mobility benefit, but only in the case where the patient has been determined to have a mobility disability of 100%, or it is found that he needs a wheelchair or is confined to a bed. In other cases, it will not be possible to receive both benefits at the same time.

To determine if the patient is entitled to a benefit and what its amount will be, The National Insurance examines the extent of the patient's dependence on others for the purpose of performing a number of daily operations, including: bathing, eating, dressing and maintaining personal hygiene.
In addition, it is checked how much the patient needs help with household care such as: eating, medication, shopping and dealing with financial issues and preparing food and operating devices that support the maintenance of the home.

However, the National Insurance dependency test is not the only test that must be met. Entitlement to benefits depends, among other things, on the rate of medical disability determined for the patient, on other allowances he receives and on his monthly income.

A condition for checking eligibility forSpecial services allowance, is that the pension applicant's monthly income from work, do not exceed 5 times the average wage in the economy (NIS 52,755 gross per month, as of January 2022).

If the applicant does not receive a disability allowance and his income does not exceed 5 times the average salary, the applicant can be tested for services Special if they determine a 40% medical disability.

Starting from January 2022 - the lowering of the medical threshold as a condition for receiving a regular pension from 60% to 40%.

Special services allowance amount