Nasal treatment against Parkinson's disease
Nasal treatment for Parkinson's disease By: Angela Herring Published on: NORTH EASTERN UNIVERSITY website Professor Barbara Woczak, professor of pharmaceutics and Brendan Harmon, PhD student presented their innovative treatment for Parkinson's disease at the EXPERIMANTAL BIOLOGY 2013 conference in Boston (photo (Heratch Ekmekjian) Each year, 60000 new adults are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a degenerative disease of the nervous system that causes a collection of symptoms including tremors, movement [...]
Eating excessive chocolate and Parkinson's
Eating excessive chocolate and Parkinson's Eating excessive chocolate in the amount of a package per day increases the risk of Parkinson's - so warn researchers from India Dan Even 13.05.2013 The virtues of chocolate have become clear in recent years against the background of research findings that attribute medical properties to dark chocolate, which is rich in antioxidants that protect the body's cells and help prevent diseases Cardiovascular and even cancerous tumors. However, the favorite food […]
Let's Talk About Sex (and Parkinson's)
Let's talk about sex (and Parkinson's) Let's talk about sex (and Parkinson's) Gila Bruner and Orna Moore Published in Living with Parkinson's A call to the international Parkinson's community on April 9, 2015 Sexuality and intimacy are a challenge facing Parkinson's patients and their partners. But as Gila Brunner and Erna Moore explain, they open channels of communication that are essential for a normal quality of life. closeness […]
Sexuality as an existential necessity?!
Sexuality as an existential necessity?! Sharon Peleg Nesher MA, RN Yael Manor PhD Tanya Gurevich MD Movement Disorders Unit and Parkinson's Service Tel Aviv Medical Center The development of medicine makes it possible to extend the life expectancy of patients with diseases that were previously considered intractable. This development brings with it a broader view of the concept of "treatment of the disease". Therefore concern for a good quality of life […]
Sleep and the relationship to drugs
Sleep and the relationship to drugs Professor Rabei - director of the clinic for Parkinson's disease in Assaf Harofeh Sleep is a physiological activity in which changes in brain wave activity (EEG) occur and also metabolic changes are essential to life. Humans spend about a third of their lives in different stages of sleep (8 hours average out of 24). Thanks to the inclusion of electrophysiological techniques, primarily the EEG, differences in brain activity during wakefulness and sleep were discovered. […]
Brisk walking may stop Parkinson's disease symptoms
Brisk walking may stop Parkinson's disease symptoms on the MEDLINE PLUS website A study found improvement in posture, walking, muscle stiffness, mood, attention and overall quality of life Parkinson's patients who routinely go for sportive walking may improve their physical and mental condition. "The benefits of physical activity in Healthy people, larger in Parkinson's patients, due to its effect on the symptoms of the disease. People […]
Feinstein announces the submission of an application for a new drug to diagnose Parkinson's disease syndrome
Feinstein announces the submission of a new drug application for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease syndrome November 14, 2012 Published in Parkinson's & Movement disorders The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research announced today the submission of a NEW DRUG APPLICATION to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Fluorodopa F 18 for the PET scan used to diagnose Parkinson's syndrome. Earlier this year, get […]
Medical marijuana (cannabis) in certain diseases of the nervous system
Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in Certain Diseases of the Nervous System Summary of a Symposium on the Subject An Overview of the Subject for Patients and Their Families A Publication of the American Academy of Neurology These information pages present the updated research on medical marijuana (cannabis) for the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is one of the largest associations in the world that unites neurologists and professionals in the field of neuro […]
Too much protein (in excess) may kill brain cells as Parkinson's disease progresses
Too much (excess) protein can kill brain cells as Parkinson's disease progresses the disease Researchers have apparently managed to identify how the main genetic cause of Parkinson's disease […]
Parkinson's: stop shaking
Parkinson's: stop shaking by: Havshelat Schwartz, zap doctors reporter, 26/01/14 Parkinson's disease, or by its Hebrew name, tremor, is a disease in which there is degeneration of nerve cells in the nervous system, and as a result, various motor disorders occur such as slowing of movement, involuntary tremors, Disturbances in balance and walking and muscle stiffness. The disease is usually diagnosed after the age of 50 and its prevalence increases with age. The causes of the development […]
When cells "eat" their power plants
When cells "eat" their powerhouses When cells "eat" their powerhouses: Scientists solve mystery surrounding basic cellular process Date: September 30, 2013 Published at: /130930140518.htm (Artist's rendering of mitochondrion interior. (Credit: © Mopic / Fotolia) A combination of unexpected results in experiments and hard laboratory work allowed a research group from different fields from the University of Pittsburgh to report […]
Research on surgery to treat Parkinson's patients receives a research grant from the National Science Foundation NSF
Study on surgery to treat Parkinson's patients wins NSF research grant Press Release Dated: October 1, 2013 University of Houston By: Toby Weber Published at: php Research on surgery to treat Parkinson's patients receives a research grant from the National Science Foundation NSF. A member of the University of Houston engineering faculty is working on improving DBS surgery. Researcher at Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston […]
Artificial sweetener against Parkinson's
Artificial sweetener against Parkinson's Itay Nevo According to Israeli researchers: Mannitol inhibits the disease in animals Parkinson's disease - tremor, in Hebrew - is a degenerative disease of the nervous system, which manifests itself in tremors and movement difficulties, and later in a decrease in brain function to the point of dementia - dementia. The number of patients in the world is estimated More than seven million (including the boxer Muhammad Ali and the actor Michael J. Fox), and in Israel [...]
Improving mood is key to quality of life when living with Parkinson's disease
Improving mood is a key to quality of life when living with Parkinson's disease By: Andrew Hollick Published on the website of NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY IN CHICAGO Mood, not movement, can be the biggest challenge for people with Parkinson's disease. An ongoing study involving over 6000 Parkinson's patients in 4 countries found that anxiety, depression, and negative behavior had the greatest impact on all disease indices examined. […]
MJFF - undertakes to invest up to 10 million dollars to find a cure for Parkinson's disease
MJFF - commits to invest up to $10 million to find a cure for Parkinson's disease MEDICAL NEWS NET The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Disease Research (MJFF) has committed up to $10 million to its next round of funding for the Edmond J. Sapra Core Program for Parkinson's Research Parkinson to promote research in meaningful and curative treatments for Parkinson's disease. The core programs named after […]
A new study in Parkinson's disease is underway at the University of Virginia
New research into Parkinson's disease begins at the University of Virginia by: Sandy Houseman Posted on the NORTHWEST FOUNDATION website The University of Virginia will soon begin research that could help Parkinson's patients. Doctors will use focused sound waves to create changes in the brain that will remove or reduce the vibrations. The University of Virginia is one of many medical centers testing the use of focused ultrasound. Doctors use sound waves to destroy […]
Higher levels of iron in the blood may protect against Parkinson's disease
Higher levels of iron in the blood may protect against Parkinson's disease By: Christine Hesio Published on the website of the NORTHWEST PARKINSON'S FOUNDATION New research has found a link between high levels of iron and a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease. The latest study published in JOURNAL PLOS MEDICINE examined whether there is a relationship between the level of iron in the blood and the risk of developing Parkinson's disease. […]
A lesson in optimism
A Lesson in Optimism By: Miriam Kates Luke Posted in: "IN JERUSALEM" Tai Chi and Dance Classes Allow Parkinson's Disease Patients to Keep Moving If you walk through the rose garden in the Talbiah neighborhood on Monday mornings, you might meet Danny Looney and his group of students in the middle of a practice. Tai Chi in a shady corner of the garden. Although to the uninformed observer, Tai Chi […]
A cure for diabetes moves us one step closer to the holy grail of treating Parkinson's disease
Diabetes Cure Moves Us One Step Closer to the Holy Grail of Parkinson's Disease Treatment By: Claire Beale Published on the NORTHWEST FOUNDATION website Thanks to the general public's sympathy for Michael J. Fox, Muhammad Ali and, more recently, Bob Hoskins, more and more people have heard of Parkinson's disease . Despite this, the disease remains understood by few. Except for tremors, which many associate [...]
Merck marks another setback in the search for drugs for Parkinson's disease
Merck marks another setback in search for Parkinson's disease drugs By: Ryan McBride Published in: FIERCE BIOTECH Merck has halted one of its most advanced efforts to develop a drug treatment for Parkinson's disease. A Phase 3 clinical trial of PREDALENAT for this disorder of the nervous system showed no benefit over placebo, which convinced the pharmaceutical giant to halt further trials of the A2A receptor agonist and abandon plans to submit […]
Can ANGRY BIRDS help identify Parkinson's patients?
Can ANGRY BIRDS help identify Parkinson's patients? Gene Gorkoff Posted on NORTHWEST PARKINSON'S FOUNDATION Originally HUFFPNGTON POST My grandfather has Parkinson's. So on behalf of my family and all my friends in the Parkinson's community, I would like to thank Max Little for the impressive step he has taken to help develop the biomarkers necessary to cure Parkinson's disease. As Mr. Little describes, huge strides have been made in fighting […]
Dangers for Parkinson's patients in a hospital
Dangers for Parkinson's Patients in Hospital By: Paula Spahn Posted on the website of the NORTHWEST PARKINSON'S FOUNDATION This was supposed to be short. In 2006, Roger Anderson had surgery to relieve pain from a compressed disc in his spine. His wife, Karen, thought the hospital staff in Portland, Oregon, would understand how to handle a Parkinson's patient. It can be difficult. Patients with Parkinson's disease like Mr. […]
Drops in blood pressure after a meal
Drops in blood pressure after a meal Researchers from the University of Adelaide hope to better understand why some Parkinson's patients experience a marked drop in their blood pressure after a meal. The medical condition known as POSTPRANDIAL HYPOTENTION can cause Parkinson's patients to faint immediately after eating, increasing their chances of injury. This is a cause for concern especially in older patients, who are more likely to be hospitalized after a fall. Research […]
Combined therapy to help Parkinson's patients
Integrated care to help Parkinson's patients By: Eleanor McDermid A randomized controlled trial showed improved outcomes when Parkinson's patients were treated by a multidisciplinary care team. Researchers compared quality of life and motor function between patients treated by general neurologists and those treated by a multidisciplinary team of therapists, including movement specialists, Parkinson's nurses and social workers. "Due to the fact that the group [...]
A breakthrough for neurodegenerative disease researchers in an attempt to find a treatment for Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease
Breakthrough for neurodegenerative disease researchers trying to find a treatment for Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease Breakthrough for neurodegenerative disease researchers trying to find a treatment for Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. Researchers have identified an enzyme in the brain that inhibits the activity of a drug-like substance leading to Huntington's disease. The group of researchers claims that the findings show that the substance can be developed as an effective treatment against neurodegenerative diseases. It took 5 years for the group […]
A strong flu increases the risk of getting Parkinson's disease
A strong flu increases the risk of getting Parkinson's disease Source: Janice Wood, Associate News Editor University of British Columbia. A new study states that catching the flu at a severe level doubles the chances of getting Parkinson's later in life. Despite the study, researchers from the University of British Columbia point out that the opposite is true for people who contracted typical measles in childhood: these people have a 35% […]