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History of DBS

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS=DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION) A little history... Hello everyone, I am happy to open the blog about DBS for Parkinson's to the members of the association. Following on from an expert panel that also included DBS treatment and that was held last month, I thought I'd start by describing the development of this technology. The first neurosurgical operations for movement disorders began at the beginning of the 20th century and included burning (destruction of areas) of the motor system (system […]

First steps in exercising rights

Have you been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease? First steps in exercising the rights Parkinson's is a severe chronic neurological disease, which gradually damages the nervous system, leads to a continuous deterioration in motor abilities, and in advanced stages may even damage the cognitive skills of those affected by it. You can learn to live alongside the disease, but no less important, you should learn the rights that come with it. Parkinson's is a serious neurological disease [...]

What is digital medicine?

My name is Dr. Simon Israeli-Corn, I am a neurologist with 10 years of experience in treating and researching Parkinson's disease. I began my professional career studying medicine at the University of Cambridge, England, internal medicine in London (with the MRCP UK degree). When I arrived in Israel, I specialized in neurology at the Medical Center For Sheba in Tel Hashomer and later studies for a PhD in neuroscience at the Weizmann Institute. I recently finished […]