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The importance of an active agenda in maintaining functions and abilities

Parkinson's is a progressive, chronic neurodegenerative disease. The message to the contestant, today, is to maintain physical, cognitive and social activity, as a way of life and as a way to treat the disease and its progression. The ways of coping differ from person to person - in the motivation to maintain the functions. In the emotional state, which affects the recruitment of motivation. The ability to organize a structured and active daily schedule and the rehabilitation services found in the contestant's surroundings. There are many and varied options for the activity [...]

Why am I not in the mood?

Sara sat down in my room with a big sigh, her left hand is shaking a little, betraying the reason for her arrival in the room. "They told me that we should talk..., so I came, even though I don't know what can be done to help me..." Sara, a young woman, good-looking, about 55 years old. Engaged in banking in a fairly senior position. A mother of young adult children who has been married for many years continues to tell - "We diagnosed [...]

Be a primary caregiver

In the current post I will deal with the subject of "the main caregiver of the patient". A subject of great importance which sometimes does not receive the proper and important place it deserves. The main therapist's role is sometimes "transparent". Requires intensive work which often does not receive the reward it deserves - the social, environmental assessment. The term "primary caregiver" (Caregiver) describes a family member who takes on the responsibility of caring for a family member [...]

think positive about "positive thinking"

Positive thinking, or a positive attitude towards life events, allows us to experience things in a more positive way. It is not meant to "turn every lemon into lemonade", the meaning of positive thinking is to adapt to ourselves patterns of thinking with a positive tendency, even in situations that are not pleasant. Those who are good for him are not necessarily those who lived well all the time. Or rather no one […]

Receiving a new diagnosis

Receiving a new diagnosis of Parkinson's is a shocking moment. This is a life-changing moment that divides time into before and after... it is natural that many concerns, of various kinds, will arise during this week. From my experience, one of the essential difficulties that arise when receiving a "new diagnosis" is the element of uncertainty and the feeling of losing control. The entry of a disease into life causes a violation (in varying degrees) of the internal and external balance. As creatures […]

Living with Parkinson's - looking at the individual, the couple and the family

Parkinson's is a disease of an individual, diagnosed as a neurodegenerative disease. The patient is the bearer of the signs of the disease and must constantly adapt his life to the changes that the disease calls for. From my work with Parkinson's patients and their families I found that this is a disease that dramatically affects the systems surrounding the patient - the couple, the family and the community around him. Turning the spotlight on those around the patient allows reference [...]